Top Version Franck Muller Blue Vanguard Yachting Replica Watch Review

Today, I will introduce Franck Muller Vanguard Yachting luxury replica watches to watch friends. This watch was launched in 18 years, and this is also the first one with the highest degree of imitation. This replica Franck Muller Vanguard Yachting is of very high quality. This Franck Muller replica watch also has a rose fake gold watch case, and a rose gold diamond case. The most recommended is the steel case version, so I will give you a detailed introduction of this replica Franck Muller Vanguard Yachting today.

This Franck Muller replica watch is made according to the original 1: 1, we can see from several details. First of all, let’s talk about the appearance of this Franck Muller replica watch. It is a wine barrel type. The entire case is It has a certain arc, so it fits your wrist very well. There are no bumps on the sides of the wrist and no gap with the strap, but this replica Franck Muller is relatively large, with a height of 54mm and a diameter of 44mm, so friends with thin wrists should not consider this watch.

The dial color of this Franck Muller replica watch is azure blue, with the effect of radial pattern on it, and the color difference between this Vanguard Yachting and the authentic is very small, if there is no authentic contrast, the authenticity can not be identified at all. So this Franck Muller replica watch doesn’t have to worry about chromatic aberration.

The scale of this Franck Muller replica watch is a very exaggerated Arabic numeral time scale. This is also the classic time scale of Franck Muller. Different from Franck Muller Casablanca series 8880 watch, 8880 is made by 3D three-dimensional printing, and this replica Franck Muller Vanguard Yachting time scale itself is three-dimensional, each scale is made separately.

From the side of the Franck Muller replica watch, the polishing process is very delicate, and the texture is very good. This is a sandwich case design with an outer case with a back cover and a layer in the middle. The case does not appear rough, cut hands, uneven, and uneven. This Franck Muller replica watch is very good, the texture of the hand is very good, the side grinding is also very round, and it is very comfortable to

This replica Franck Muller Vanguard Yachting looks very similar to the original in both color and detail and is a highly recommended luxury brand watch.